At kumkeo you encounter specialists with longstanding practical experience. Our initial discussions will give you a clear insight into the quality of our work.

We always deliver on our promises. In the case of development projects, we assume system responsibility from the very outset. We provide support in the form of practical concepts within the project planning phase and throughout every phase of implementation. Drawing on our solid expertise, we coordinate our work to precisely meet your requirements.

We offer you a great deal more than technical performance. In addition to our IT know-how, our specific forte is developing solutions through efficient and explicit communication.

October 25, 2021 kumkeo: Modular lithium-ion battery system

The demand for lithium-ion battery systems is growing due to the increase in mobility solutions and replacement of traditional lead battery systems. To provide companies with an attractive solution, kumkeo is currently developing an innovative easy-to-handle and scalable lithium-ion battery system based on the standard battery group sizes 27 and 24.

The system will interest industrial sectors that require energy storage solutions ranging from 24 to 1,000V and 57 to 456Ah, examples being as buffer storage in the supply of high current power, for emergency power sources (UPS) and as a power supply for mobile applications on land and water. In all cases, the system is monitored by a state-of-the-art BMS (battery management system) that communicates with primary controllers via CANBus or IO interface to ensure secure and uninterrupted operation. Battery system scalability enables customized requirements to be met with a minimum of effort. Other benefits include a higher energy density, greater space and weight saving in comparison to lead battery solutions and an innovative high current contact set up that makes installation easier. Due to the higher number of cycles offered by the lithium-ion batteries and the resulting minimal maintenance requirement, the TCO (total cost of ownership) is reduced. The 26650 battery round format cells used and commensurate system requirements stem from the manufacturer (
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