At kumkeo you encounter specialists with longstanding practical experience. Our initial discussions will give you a clear insight into the quality of our work.

We always deliver on our promises. In the case of development projects, we assume system responsibility from the very outset. We provide support in the form of practical concepts within the project planning phase and throughout every phase of implementation. Drawing on our solid expertise, we coordinate our work to precisely meet your requirements.

We offer you a great deal more than technical performance. In addition to our IT know-how, our specific forte is developing solutions through efficient and explicit communication.

September 20, 2018: kumkeo is a “lüttIng” corporate partner

The “lüttIng Schüler-Technik-Akademien” school competition is run by the Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Hamburg e. V. organization. This competition is a MINT (Mathematics, IT, Natural Sciences, Technology) development program sponsored by the Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung (Ministry of Education and Vocational Training) and NORDMETALL Verband der Metall- und Elektroindustrie (Metal and Electrical Industry Association).

We support Margaretha-Rothe-Gymnasium high school as a corporate partner together with HAW Hamburg. Located in Hamburg’s Barmbek neighbourhood, the high school promotes excellence in mathematics and the natural sciences.

On September 20, 2018, we invited the high school students to visit us and share their plans for the competition. Since the competition runs until June 2019, we cannot provide any further details about their participation at this time.

We also prepared a multifaceted program for the students during their visit. In addition to explaining the work involved at an engineering firm, we gave the group more information about technical careers and their qualification requirements. The students gained insights into the fundamentals of software development, and learned why it is so important to thoroughly test software and hardware. They also did their own hardware development work in the lab, with several questions pertaining to the lab equipment.

We wish the students all the best and good luck for their competition – we have our fingers crossed!

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